At the moment this is an experiment for me and a project for you, I have created patterns for all the pieces I have knitted in my Make Do ReDo Mend collection (they're all really simple... as long as you can increase and decrease you'll fly through them!!)...
if i had all the time in the world i'd knit them lovingly for you to try on (although if you live near Manchester or Bolton i'm happy to meet up and take a picture of you in mine!!) but sadly I'm tied up with project project work project sleep project so have devised step by step patterns for you to follow to hopefully create a great add on for your existing wardrobe, and heres how you do it...
Its as easy as one two three (four five!!)...
1. Have a quick look at my website...
2. Choose a piece you like...
3. Email me ( saying which one you like (why if you wish!!) and i'll send you a PDF file of the pattern...
5. Wear it, enjoy it, photograph it and email me it to post on the site!!
Thankyou thankyou thankyou in advance!!
Posted by Zoe Fletcher.