I have a confession...I have fallen a little bit in love with crochet...maybe I just need to get it out of my system?!
I visited one of my lovely friends beautiful flat (yes Emma you!!) and her Grandma had made her the nicest crochet throws for her sofa and chair - this inspired me - I wanted my own!! I have to admit i've always been agains crochet - 2 needles feels a lot more natural in my hands than one little hook, but one amazing lesson from my mum has turned me into a crochet machine - i'm 6 squares in and still loving it (and have to admit with the chunky yarn i'm using it growing a lot faster than knitting!!)..i'll keep you posted on how far I get - at the moment I have about 10 different ones I want to make - I think one pastel shaded one and one brighter one might be more realistic!!I have also only conquered the standard square stitch...flowers next yay!