Binding it all up...

May 18, 2009
There was another early start this morning... slightly delayed by the bus taking three times as long!! This morning I managed to bind all my books up (5 of them... all with hard back covers on them) so thats one job done. I then had a great tutorial with Annie, she had some great tips for my exhibition space and liked the simplicity of my videos so i'm really glad that went well. I am now working on my "kits" for the 'make your own' Make Do ReDo Mend section of my project, i'm having fun testing out different layouts on envelopes before deciding on the most effective looking one... hopefully I can blitz through them tonight and have made up my mind by tomorrow as I have an ever increasing to-do list that doesn't seem to be getting any shorter!! Here's a couple of samples of potential envelopes before i've played around with adding stuff...


Quick Quick Quick...

May 16, 2009
Just a quick post today before I go to sleep as had a very long day of work and Eurovision hype (woo i won a pound for betting Norway would win!! and we got top 5 for once!!) I have been working on my journal tonight catching up with updating it with new research and my week by week diary, which had been scribbled in various sketch books scattered across my room, but, which is now nicely typed up on word only a coupe more pictures to add and I can sleep easy heehee!! Nothing photographic to post today as my camera ran out of battery and i'm back in Bolton with my charger in Manchester, but i'm going to take a good one of my GIANT chooser tomorrow for your delight!! Night Night...

Books Books Books...

May 15, 2009
Another early start heehee (and I am not a good morning person) but i'm learning slowly... got into the Mac Suite at quarter to nine to print out my book covers whilst it was pretty quiet, and after a few false starts (I blame my lack of technical knowledge) managed to get the right size on the right paper from the right printer!! Managed to print off a HUGE chooser by sticking two A1 pages together on the tracing plotter and that looks pretty good (if i'm feeling adventurous I may try for an even bigger one... time permitting!!) and also got some new samples of my business card printed out on it too, as well as updating a few portfolio sheets that needed tweaking!! So the rest of my day was taken up searching for double sided sticky tape (down to my last roll which unnerves me...not in a scary way!!) driving home to Bolton and making all the front covers for my books ready for binding hopefully on monday morning (thats my next feat to overcome!!) So heres a couple of pictures of them semi-finished...



Tired tired tired...

May 13, 2009
Today has been another long day... early start in the Mac suite (with lots of false starts and problems with final cut... which luckily I overcame!!), so now finally I have finished the three separate films (well on QuickTime anyway... transferring them with high enough quality onto DVD is my next challenge!!) and now i've just got to mix together the films for a digital portfolio and thats that section covered and I can start concentrating on tying up all my other bits of project... lots of sleepless nights for me!! I have just been looking up my old journal research and found some great pictures from Hussein Chalayan's exhibition that I had forgotten to post up...



Photo shoot Day...

May 12, 2009
Today was filled out with two photo shoots, a tutorial, Mac editing and paper buying/ making books... busy busy busy... the photo shoot was to complete my set of videos for my exhibition pieces so now I have a full day of editing to look forward to but hopefully it will all go smoothly and will look how I want them to!! The photos turned out really well so I just have to edit them tonight. My tutorial was really helpful today as I talked through my exhibition ideas and have a better understanding of how I can lay pieces out and how much space I have to play with, I also got a clearer idea of business card ideas and am now going to simplify it even further to be more concise. Heres a couple of pictures from the shoot...



Work Work Work...

May 10, 2009
Yet another day filled with my job so its left to the evening to catch up on bits of work...i've been working on developing my Ration Fashion Magazine/catalogue type thing and hopefully will get it progressing much faster once I become more competent in InDesign, but this is just a sideline for this project so may continue it after uni and se where it goes... anyway heres a sample of a basic page i've not yet worked into...


Quick Blog...

May 9, 2009
Just a quick blog to post up my new business card idea... not sure if i need to tweak it more or not but hopefully when there's tracing paper back in the printers I can test them out properly!!


Weekend time!!...

May 9, 2009
Lovely job all day today but am now forcing myself to sit in front of my computer again to tie up some loose ends of my work!! Quick pic of a nice blog I found (got a bit of Lauren's work on!!) which has some good new designers with nice geometric prints!! And I might even blog later depending on how much work I get done!!


Too much time in the computer room...

May 8, 2009
Heehee today and yesterday have consisted of me sat in front of a computer screen brushing up on my Final Cut skills (which are quite limited!!) and trying to figure out how to make it do what I want it to do!! Its going ok so far but think there may have to be another trip to the photography studio to get more head shots and test out different lighting...going to be a busy few weeks involving me and a lot of technology (which is not always the best combination!). Heres a few shots from the recent shoot...



May 6, 2009
Today Emma and I booked the photography studio to progress with my transformation pictures of knitting, it got off to a bad start as nothing seemed to be going right for us but just as we were about to give up our luck changed and the camera was nice to us!! We got some great sets of photographs - we shot all the shirt top halves and the faces so now am left with the vest top, skirt and shorts to transform which I can hopefully continue shooting tomorrow!! Heres a few contacts from the shoot...



Zoe Grace Fletcher Currently undertaking a PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University within the MIRIAD post-graduate department, I am beginning a practice based academic journey into British wool fibres and new technologies within knitwear design. Graduating with Distinction from a Masters in Fashion and the Environment at London College of Fashion, specialising in hand-knitting and the British Wool Industry, I have worked on a number of knitwear collections (personal and external companies), whilst freelancing and researching for a number of exciting projects. My work revolves around the idea of sustainable fashion from a knitted perspective and the different ways to achieve this incorporating the ideas of slow fashion into mainstream society. I love knitting. And wool. And double sided sticky tape.
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