Talking of folding...

Posted by Zoe Fletcher on Friday, May 22, 2009
A lot more folding of business cards for me on my breaks today I think!! I have also made an even bigger chooser to display my business cards in...its huuuuge and i'm quite happy in the way it has turned out...even after major problems figuring out where to stick the joins etc heehee!! It's still only just sinking in that times nearly up and have a really long to do list that keeps expanding not decreasing which is worrying heehee so i'm going to crack on with ticking off some boxes today!! On the subject of folding I was looking on the internet and found these lovely pictures of Hussein Chalayans 'airmail dress' I love the concept behind it and the ingenuity of creating a sendable piece of clothing that can go anywhere in the world by posting it in a small red letterbox!!...


Zoe Grace Fletcher Currently undertaking a PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University within the MIRIAD post-graduate department, I am beginning a practice based academic journey into British wool fibres and new technologies within knitwear design. Graduating with Distinction from a Masters in Fashion and the Environment at London College of Fashion, specialising in hand-knitting and the British Wool Industry, I have worked on a number of knitwear collections (personal and external companies), whilst freelancing and researching for a number of exciting projects. My work revolves around the idea of sustainable fashion from a knitted perspective and the different ways to achieve this incorporating the ideas of slow fashion into mainstream society. I love knitting. And wool. And double sided sticky tape.
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