I am now working for TRAID as an Education Officer for secondary schools, which means i get to have loads of fun educating the youths about the possibilities for recycling, up-cycling, end of life strategies and how they can help us fund projects across the world that make such a huge difference in peoples lives check out
www.traid.org.uk for more details!)
We had a great time travelling do an Industry day for year 9's in North West London, who were set the challenge of creating amazing accessories out of donated denim - some amazing things came out of it!Next we set off for Bournemouth to hold a range of up-cycling workshops to kick start their amazing Fair Trade fortnight with Friends of the Earth - it was really great to see so many people get inspired and build their confidence on the sewing front!On Saturday we held another Sew Good workshop at the WI huge Swapping party - there were homemade cakes, endless cups of tea, a huge selection of clothes to swap, and loads of lovely ladies wanting to customise, alter their new swaps!
Photos coming soon!