Yesterday and today...

Posted by Zoe Fletcher on Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Yesterday and today combined heehee due to the delightful job (and extra pay incentives for it being a bank holiday!!) anyway...I did a small photo shoot with my amazing model sister with the pieces more focal than previous ones to use in my pattern sheets - i'm creating for people to create their own interpretation and bounce ideas off others, so as to make a small community of clothes lovers!! Heres a sample from the shoot...


Zoe Grace Fletcher Currently undertaking a PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University within the MIRIAD post-graduate department, I am beginning a practice based academic journey into British wool fibres and new technologies within knitwear design. Graduating with Distinction from a Masters in Fashion and the Environment at London College of Fashion, specialising in hand-knitting and the British Wool Industry, I have worked on a number of knitwear collections (personal and external companies), whilst freelancing and researching for a number of exciting projects. My work revolves around the idea of sustainable fashion from a knitted perspective and the different ways to achieve this incorporating the ideas of slow fashion into mainstream society. I love knitting. And wool. And double sided sticky tape.
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